Allied Health & Aging > Nutrition & dietetics

Give infants peanuts to help avoid allergies

22 January, 2019

Australia has among the highest food allergy rates in the world. To reduce allergy risk, experts recommend giving infants peanuts and eggs before they turn one.

Creating a sustainable foodservice

18 December, 2018

Reduce the environmental footprint of your institutional foodservice with these sustainable ideas.

Being thin not a prerequisite for anorexia

13 December, 2018

A third of adolescents hospitalised with anorexia nervosa are within a healthy weight range, prompting calls to redefine the disease's diagnosis criteria.

Childhood obesity linked to antibiotics, antacids

15 November, 2018

Children who are given antibiotics or antacids in their first two years of life are more likely to become obese during their childhood.

Gluten-free food contains gluten

13 November, 2018

A new study found that almost 3% of commonly purchased food items that were labelled 'gluten-free' contained gluten.

Bulla Nut Free Ice Cream

01 October, 2018

Bulla has extended its 2 L Nut Free Ice Cream into its 100 mL Ice Cream Cup foodservice range for use across hospitals and aged-care facilities.

Playing it safe in the vegetable garden

25 September, 2018 by Andrew Thomson*

Planning a vege patch for your healthcare facility? A few simple steps will ensure food safety.

Maintaining healthy communication

25 September, 2018 by Niki Mohtat*

A group of dietitians at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney investigate the effects of eMR2 on inter-professional communications.

It's ok to enjoy salt with your meal

14 August, 2018

New research has found that unless you're consuming more than 5 grams of salt a day — or 2.5 teaspoons — health risks are minimal.

Older hospital patients — having their cake and eating it too!

07 August, 2018

The team at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital have shown that it is possible to increase the nutritional intake of older people by 20%.

An orange a day keeps eye disease away

20 July, 2018

New research finds that eating oranges daily reduces the risk of developing macular degeneration by 60% in people aged over 50.

Food allergy risk: lupin must now be identified in meals

01 June, 2018 by Andrew Thomson*

Hospital and aged-care food services must ensure they declare any use of the legume lupin, which has similar risk factors to peanuts.

Preventing food allergy tragedies

22 May, 2018 by Andrew Thomson*

To avoid exposing healthcare and aged-care patients with food allergies to risk, a robust risk management strategy should be integrated into your organisation's food safety program.

Fish and beans may delay menopause

11 May, 2018

A diet rich in fish and legumes may help to delay natural menopause, but high dietary intake of refined carbs may help to hasten it.

Top 10 myths regarding nutrition for seniors

01 May, 2018

Dietitian and author Ngaire Hobbins shuts down some old wives' tales surrounding the elderly and nutrition.

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