Predicting Patient Admissions
What if you knew who would walk into your hospital today- when and why? Dave Piggott, Executive Director of Health IQ, investigates how the partnership between Austin Health, CSIRO and Health IQ works to provide Austin Health these answers. [ + ]
Why most cancer isn't due to bad luck
Sarah Allinson, Lancaster University, reports on a study published in Science in early 2015 reported that most cancers aren’t preventable and are simply a case of “bad luck”. A year on, however, and a study published in Nature has come to the opposite conclusion: that external factors such as tobacco, sunlight and human papilloma virus play a greater part in whether or not a person gets cancer. [ + ]
7th Windgap supported residence opens
Not-for-profit disability services provider, Windgap Foundation, has opened its seventh supported accommodation home. [ + ]
Build a better back with motor control
Lifting injuries are a major cause of lower back pain, one of the most common health conditions worldwide. It can have substantial health and economic costs as people experience disability and general ill health, leading them to need time off work. [ + ]
Have we installed a glass ceiling?
Today, women are typically the dominant group within medical schools and yet remain under-represented in formal leadership positions and particular speciality areas. Although today there is greater female participation in medical roles, it still appears that women are hitting the glass ceiling. [ + ]
Virtual reality saves inoperable baby
After life-saving heart surgery, made possible with the help of virtual reality imaging, four-month old baby Teegan, deemed inoperable after her birth in Minnesota, celebrated her first Christmas with her family. [ + ]
Outcry against changes to bulk billing
According to the mid year economic and fiscal outlook (MYEFO) changes to the incentives paid to pathology and diagnostic imaging providers to bulk bill out of hospital services will deliver savings of $650.4 million to the budget over four years. [ + ]
The risky business of nursing
Nurses are exposed to a wide range of biological-infectious, chemical, environmental-mechanical, physical and psychosocial hazards. They are particularly vulnerable to infection and injuries, including musculoskeletal injuries, latex allergies and needlestick injuries. Nursing and midwifery is also the profession with the highest exposure to workplace violence. [ + ]
Research On Genetics Of Memory
In a significant step forward, findings from the largest study of genetics of memory ever undertaken indicate that there are two common genetic variants believed to be associated with memory performance. [ + ]
3 reasons to befriend co-workers
60 to 70 percent of emergency workers will face a traumatic situation while on duty. Trauma can have negative effects on mental health and in some cases, result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This can then affect a person’s ability to work and maintain personal relationships. [ + ]
Autoimmune link to Processed Foods
In today’s hustle and bustle world, processed foods are commonplace time-savers. But that convenience factor may come with a bigger price tag than previously known, says an international team of researchers. In findings published earlier this year in Autoimmunity Reviews, researchers from Israel and Germany present evidence that processed foods weaken the intestine’s resistance to bacteria, toxins and other hostile nutritional and not nutritional elements, which in turn increases the likelihood of developing autoimmune diseases. [ + ]
Resolution No.1 - check your stress
Working on your New Year's resolutions? Experts agree that stress management should be at the top of your list. Stress is the physical and emotional response we all experience when faced with demanding situations, according to James Scott, from the The University of Queensland. [ + ]