Skincare tips for the aged skin

The skincare routine of an older patient will be significantly different than that of a younger patient; this is why it is important for medical professionals to be aware of the differences when providing recommendations for someone with skin-related issues.
While the skincare routine for aged skin is quite straightforward and even logical, there are small changes that can make a big difference. With these changes implemented, several problems with aged skin can be avoided.
Skin hydration
Skin hydration is important for all patients, but even more important for a patient with aged skin. As the skin ages, it is normal for the skin to lose its moisture. Thus, a good moisturiser brand such as D’Lumiere which has a variety of products that’ll match the patient’s skin type is the first step towards a healthier skin.
Hydration does not limit itself to the application of a good moisturiser. The patient must drink a sufficient amount of water too. Of course, water is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle overall, even though some patients may require some convincing.
Sun protection throughout the year
While most patients wear sunscreen in the summer, not all of them wear ample protection in the winter. While sunrays can be more prominent in the summer, it does not mean they are not present in the winter. So, all-year protection against harmful sunrays is recommended.
It is widely known that the sun can cause premature ageing of the skin. For a patient who has aged skin already, the sun can cause further havoc. Therefore, medical professionals should always recommend ample protection to prevent further sun damage.
Cleansing and exfoliation
Many people have incorporated a cleansing and exfoliating ritual in their skincare routine already. Yet, patients with an aged skin should increase exfoliation and cleansing to at least once a week. They should also use the proper products for their skin. For example, exfoliators and cleansers designed for younger skin will do little for a patient with aged skin.
Some patients do not like the feeling of their skin after exfoliation or cleansing. However, this can be prevented by using something as simple as coconut oil in their skincare routine. Just a small amount of coconut oil after exfoliation can make the skin feel a lot softer and smoother.
Day and night creams for moisture locking
Even patients who use a good moisturiser can still lose some of that moisture; this is why it is important to lock in the moisture of the skin with an appropriate day or night cream. Long-term application of such products has also proven to make the skin firmer, preventing common skin-related problems such as sagging.
The application of day and night creams is important too. When applying a product, the ageing skin benefits from massaging the product in. However, it is important not to massage too heavily, as this could do more harm than good. A gentle massage with an appropriate cream appears to be most effective.
Avoid hot water
Hot water can cause serious damage to skin too, especially to aged skin that is already prone to dryness. By using hot water regularly, it can lead to a dry and flaky skin texture, something a patient with aged skin wants to avoid.
When a patient struggles with flaky or dry skin regularly, it is essential to recommend lukewarm showers or baths instead. Hot water will make the problem worse, while lukewarm water can provide a little bit more moisture in the skin.
After a shower or a bath, locking in the moisture with a good cream can help as well. Creams such as this are often recommended by dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons. While such creams are available in supermarkets and beauty stores, getting them from the pharmacy on recommendation by a licensed dermatologist often yields better results for the patient in question.
Specialist help
An experienced dermatologist or experienced cosmetic surgeon can certainly address some of the more complex problems that can occur with aged skin. There are several clinics in Australia that focus on skincare and the treatment of ageing skin; this includes the well-known Dr Lanzer Clinic.
Cosmetic surgery clinicians can also provide patients with rejuvenating skincare treatments and professional cleanses. While these treatments are not used as frequently as those used at home, they can make a big difference for patients with aged skin prone to dryness. All surgery has risks, and Dr Lanzer recommends a second option with your final decision.
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