Pharmacists Invited to Assist with Review of Competency Standards
Tuesday, 29 July, 2014
The Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee (PPDC) is commencing a review of the Australian pharmacy profession’s competency standards.
The National competency standards framework for pharmacists in Australia issued in 2010 is formally reviewed on a regular basis. Consultation forums will be conducted across the country with the pharmacy profession as part of this review.
On behalf of the profession, the PPDC is seeking expressions of interest from suitable individuals or groups to assist with the first stage of the review. The successful consultant will be asked to undertake background research and literature review on national and international competency standards development for pharmacists and other health professions.
They will also be required to conduct consultations across the country with stakeholders to obtain feedback on aspects of the current competency standards. This important work will provide guidance to the PPDC and help inform subsequent stages of the competency standards review.
The Invitation to submit an expression of interest can be obtained by contacting the PPDC Secretariat at
Applications must be received no later than 5.00 pm (AEST) on 11 August 2014.
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