Patients being Tested for Ebola in Victoria
Thursday, 26 February, 2015
Victoria's Chief Health Officer, Dr Rosemary Lester has advised two patients have been isolated at Victoria's Royal Children's Hospital and are being tested for Ebola
The patients had been isolated as a precaution in accordance with universal infection control procedures and are being assessed for a range of infections - including Ebola Virus Disease. Initial clinical assessment suggest it is exceedingly unlikely that the patients have Ebola.
A statement from the Royal Children's Hospital said specialist medical staff are caring for the patients.
"Results of the diagnostic testing will be known within a few hours. The hospital is unable to provide further information about the patients or their conditions until the test results are known.”
The Royal Children’s Hospital is designated to provide care for children under 16 for assessment and management of patients suspected of a viral haemorrhagic fever such as ebola.
While Ebola is a very serious disease, it is not highly contagious as it cannot be caught through coughing or sneezing. The risk of infection is extremely low unless there has been direct exposure to the bodily fluids of an infected person or animal (alive ordead).
The Department of Health has a well-developed Victorian Ebola Virus Disease Response Plan which has been issued to all hospitals, paramedics and broader ambulance workforce, general practices, and other medical staff.
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