ATP: rapid hygiene testing in health care

Anaeron Pty Ltd
Sunday, 01 December, 2019

ATP: rapid hygiene testing in health care

Introducing the latest from Hygiena — globally recognised as the leader in ATP and diagnostic testing.

Hygiena’s EnSURE Touch offers the simplicity of smart phones with the high performance of the world’s best performing AOAC-approved ATP rapid hygiene swab.

The Hygiena Touch system gives real-time hygiene results, allowing cleaning failures to be identified and actioned immediately. It automatically records the results plus actions for any hygiene failures, seamlessly downloading them by Wi-Fi to your Cloud Trend Analysis software, SURE Trend, from wherever you are. On-screen reports can be viewed before you get back to your desk, giving added insight to what is happening in your facility.

With EnSURE Touch you can:
  • Read tests in as little two finger touches
  • Pre-program hygiene testing for specific times and locations
  • Test plans can be randomised, including specifying must-do test points
  • Test plans can also be set to quota, ensuring a minimum number of tests are done
  • Users can be given pin codes to log in
  • Choice of Admin or Operator users
  • Simple search by name, gives fast access to test plans
  • Add, edit, delete users, test points and plans directly on the screen
  • Retests are marked as simply as swiping the screen
  • Remote access via internet for training and trouble shooting
  • Results from multiple sites can be pooled allowing benchmarking
  • All stakeholders can view the results remotely

What is ATP? (adenosine triphosphate)

ATP is an energy-giving chemical found in all living things and is a universal indicator of organic residue.

How is it measured?

Hygiena ATP testing devices contain a natural enzyme found in fireflies. This enzyme produces a simple bioluminescence (light giving) reaction when it comes in contact with ATP.

Using bioluminescence technology, Hygiena Luminometers can measure extremely low levels of ATP collected with testing devices (swabs). Measuring light produced from the reaction with ATP gives an excellent indication of surface cleanliness because the quantity of light generated is directly proportional to the amount of ATP present in the sample. The reaction is immediate, and results can be processed in seconds. The result is expressed numerically on the luminometer screen as a Relative Light Unit (RLU).

Establishing RLU limits — what is a pass or fail?

Determining RLU pass/fail limits is a fundamental element to a successful ATP cleaning verification program. Setting RLU limits too high may allow contamination to persist on surfaces, endangering patients and staff. Setting them too low may result in overuse of cleaning supplies and excessive labour. Although there are no regulatory standards for RLU limits, peer reviewed studies and data from hospitals that have implemented the Hygiena system offer insight to help hospitals set appropriate RLU pass/fail limits according to industry-accepted practices.

Hygiena offers a range of swabs to suit every application: AquaSnap for water tests; PRO-Clean and MediCheck for protein checks; and EndoSwab brushes for use with UltraSnaps in lumen scopes. See the whole range on our website including luminometers, incubators and accessories.

SnapShot and WaterShot Total Universal swabs are also available for competitor units which improve accuracy in your results. Ask us for the latest studies.

Visit our website to download brochures and for more information. Instructional videos can also be viewed in our resource and products pages for Hygiena.

Anaeron also works closely with Australian Healthcare facilities on how ATP Testing can assist with AS/NZ 4187 Guidelines for lumen and non-lumen scopes and other surgical instruments and in training and awareness of hand hygiene.

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