BD supplies COVID-19 consumables in milestone delivery

Thursday, 19 November, 2020

BD supplies COVID-19 consumables in milestone delivery

Medical device company BD has made its first delivery of vaccine devices to the Australian Government Department of Health (DoH), commencing the partnership with the federal government in supplying a COVID-19 vaccine to every Australian, once available.

BD will deliver millions of disposable needles, syringes and sharps collectors over the next 12 months, to support Australia’s COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Strategy. The partnership will also ensure sufficient in-country supply, should more injection devices for vaccine delivery be required.

BD Australia and New Zealand Managing Director and Vice President Anelo Cournut applauded the government for its proactive approach in planning for future pandemics.

“Today’s first delivery of BD products marks an important milestone for our company. We are proud to be part of an innovative collaboration between government, manufacturers, researchers and clinicians alike.

“Our collective goal is to guarantee that when the time arrives, every Australian can access a COVID-19 vaccine.

“BD is committed to ensuring product continuity through our robust and agile supply chain, with local manufacturing partners in Australia and around the globe,” Cournut said.

“BD will work in close collaboration with the government over the next 12 months to ensure the supply of vital vaccine delivery devices, to enable every Australian to access a COVID-19 vaccine, once available.”

In addition to delivering vaccine products, BD is also liaising with the DoH — including the Therapeutic Goods Administration and state healthcare systems — to expand the nation’s access to diagnostic testing and treatment support for COVID-19 patients. This includes swabs for influenza and COVID-19 testing, rapid molecular diagnostic tests using the BD MAX System and 15-minute point-of-care antigen testing with the BD Veritor Plus System.

In addition, BD supplies infusion pumps, infusion sets, cannulas, central line catheters and targeted temperature management systems to support ICU patients. Researchers are also using BD Biosciences instrumentation for cellular analysis worldwide, and locally, to better understand the immune response to COVID-19.

Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA) CEO Ian Burgess said Australia’s medtech industry has been recognised for its response to the challenges of COVID-19 to date, particularly for ensuring the ongoing supply of essential medical supplies.

“The ‘Australian Model’ of industry collaboration with government throughout COVID-19 is the globally recognised benchmark. MTAA, along with industry partners, has been working with government, including The Hon. Karen Andrews MP, Minister for Industry, and The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health, to ensure all Australians have continued access to life-saving and life-changing medical devices.

“During COVID-19 the government asked medtech to supply 7500 ventilators and over 10 million COVID-19 test kits; the medtech supply chain worked and the ventilators and other essential medical equipment were delivered. Now government has asked for vaccine devices and again medtech delivered,” Burgess said.

With more than 65 years of strong history in vaccine delivery, BD has partnered with governments worldwide to produce and supply billions of vaccine delivery devices. Importantly, due to the company’s strong manufacturing capacity and well-established global supply chain, BD will still be able to prioritise existing customer requirements for needles and syringes, including for influenza vaccination programs.

Image credit: ©

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