Pharmacists Express Concern Over Cap on MedChecks

By Petrina Smith
Thursday, 13 February, 2014

[caption id="attachment_5871" align="alignright" width="110"]Grant Kardachi Grant Kardachi[/caption]

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has expressed concerns over the decision to cap the number of MedChecks and Diabetes MedsChecks that can be performed by individual pharmacists to 10 a month, and the number of Homes Medicines Reviews that can be delivered to 20 a month.

National President of the PSA, Grant Kardachi, said the Society was concerned that consumers could lose out on vital health services as a result of the caps.
“MedsChecks, Diabetes MedsChecks and Home Medicines Reviews are extremely valuable in ensuring the quality use of medicines and medication compliance by consumers,” Mr Kardachi said. “They are services which improve health outcomes and help to reduce the overall budgetary impact by helping to manage existing conditions and ensuring people are taking their medicines appropriately and as directed.”
Mr Kardachi said the PSA recognised, however, that it was important to maintain the continuity of the services but in the current environment there was a significant budgetary pressure on these services.
“Cleary we need to do something to ensure the ongoing viability of these services and this cap should be a short-term measure while everyone involved sits down and arrives at a more appropriate funding model for the future,” Mr Kardachi said. “This cap on medication review services is a profession-wide issue and affects the livelihood of pharmacists across all sectors including accredited pharmacists and pharmacy owners.
“We are about to enter the negotiating phase of the next Community Pharmacy Agreement so it is an appropriate time to make sure the funding that is allocated to these services in the future is sufficient to meet the current and future demands on them.”
Mr Kardachi said PSA would work with The Pharmacy Guild, the Government and stakeholders to try to find a viable solution as quickly as possible.
“Quite clearly the approach taken in the Fifth Community Pharmacy Agreement is not a sustainable model and we have to find a better solution for this growing area of practice which meets the needs of our increasing ageing population,” Mr Kardachi said.
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