The importance of quality communications
Across the country, as more professions than ever move into an environment of working from home, people are experiencing the limitations of built-in computer sound and video systems. For professionals working in the critical fields of health, aged care and government, a solution that is better than just average or good is required. What is needed in times of social distancing and isolation is technology that enables professionals to do their job just as well as if they were sitting in front of their patient or client.
For example, many GPs gain as much information from seeing the body movements and facial expressions of their patients as they do from hearing what they have to say. Critical cues, such as a person’s expression when they feel pain or small involuntary movements made when performing activities, can offer insights that can alter and improve the course of treatment. Without that clear, visual aid, doctors don’t have all the information, which can lead to worse outcomes for patients.
Eye contact, and in particular blink rate, is also an important part of communication. Rapid blinking can signify stress and pupil dilation can signify excitement or attraction. This identification of visual cues is only possible when viewed through quality video systems.
Clear pictures are a must
Our faces have 43 individually controlled muscles that make up a myriad of different expressions. Some are big and obvious; some are small and almost hidden. These expressions convey a range of emotions, which help to ‘fill in’ the communication that is taking place.
In addition to the things people don’t say, seeing faces also helps us better understand the things people do say. Research shows that seeing speech-related lip movements helps us to better identify the words that are being spoken — particularly for those who are hard of hearing.1
In aged-care facilities, where residents are now in lockdown to protect them from COVID-19, family members and loved ones are looking for ways to remain connected. Quality video systems can offer residents, and those on the outside, the ability to see and hear each other well — enabling them to keep up communication and maintain relationships, which is especially important in these times.
Seeing a loved one, and being able to see them clearly, makes an immense difference in the lives of all people. Many residents in aged-care facilities have poor eyesight and hearing, so the need for quality video systems is immense. Family offers support and advocacy for residents in aged-care facilities, and being able to see the physical health of a loved one helps to ensure their needs are being met.
Keep calm and use quality solutions
At all levels of government, officials and professionals are doing their best to work in difficult situations and make policy changes here and now to positively impact our lives. At the same time, they are facing the same social distancing and isolation restrictions as the rest of us, and many are endeavouring to work from home to stop the spread of the disease. Communication of the actions and responses being made are critical at times like these. Without quality technology facilitating this work, people run the risk of the message becoming lost within a poor video system. When looking to inspire confidence and promote order, leaders need to be seen as professional and competent — traits not compatible with fuzzy images and poor-quality audio.
Online collaboration is now key for businesses and facilities across all sectors that are wanting to survive and prosper during these difficult times. If you’re looking to keep your people and your business working efficiently, then quality video systems are an important step for better communications, improved customer relations and more effective outcomes.
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