Power to Transform: Build your sustainable healthcare business with intelligent software

Monday, 28 November, 2022

Power to Transform: Build <em>your </em>sustainable healthcare business with intelligent software

We all know digital technology is rapidly transforming clinical care, from robotic surgery and the latest wearable devices to diagnosing diseases with AI. Our healthcare sector, though, is a different story. While the medical profession has long been using digital tools to deliver better outcomes, healthcare organisations still have some way to go.

Processes that drive the core business of delivering quality care can be inefficient and vulnerable to error, with limited capacity for sharing information. This puts providers at risk of missing out on creating the best outcomes for their business and the clients they care for.

Organisational change is possible with technology

Recent advances in intelligent software are rapidly changing things by helping providers operationally transform across their entire healthcare organisation. Other industries, such as the financial services sector, have already walked this path, with digital offerings like online banking and contactless payment revolutionising the way institutions meet their customers’ needs.

The healthcare industry is on the cusp of a similar transformation. COVID-19 has accelerated the demand for digitally enabled healthcare services, while the global digital health market is estimated to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.9% from 2020 to 2027, when it will reach over $550b1.

Closer to home, the Australian Government is investing over $107m to strengthen primary health care through digital enablement2. This includes funding for new digital services to streamline interactions with Medicare, creating a single view of the essential services Australians rely on daily.

With change upon us, healthcare organisations can lead the way by using intelligent software to achieve organisational transformation. This isn’t about adopting the latest technology for technology’s sake but harnessing its power so businesses can be more productive, sustainable and client-centred. Conversely, digital innovation can inspire change by making new things possible and helping our industry reach its future state faster.

Here are some ways healthcare businesses can organisationally transform themselves through the power of care management software, like Lumary.

Building business sustainability

Lumary is a leading healthcare software provider and technology service partner for Australian healthcare organisations. Providers can use advanced care management technology, such as Lumary, to reduce errors, minimise revenue leakage and scale growth. By making every piece of data count, executives have greater insight into making decisions and designing new services. Providers can also get ahead of the shift towards consumer-directed care. Technology is already giving health professionals and customers a 360-degree view of the entire care journey, enabling services to be integrated into the community.

Boosting productivity and performance

Intuitive care management software removes the obstacles that hamper productivity in healthcare. Digitisation reduces time-consuming admin tasks like manual data entry, while a single flow of information streamlines the processes involved in client care. This frees up staff to focus on high-value activities so that they can care for people more effectively.

Engage and retain employees

The healthcare sector is not immune to the current talent shortage in Australia, which makes being an employer of choice more important than ever. The right software can help businesses create a positive working environment by helping staff do their job better, with fewer frustrations. Digitisation also better supports an increasingly hybrid workforce, which improves job satisfaction.

As digital technology in the healthcare sector leads to better care for people, it’s up to organisations to keep pace. By organisationally transforming themselves with intelligent software, businesses are best placed to provide quality services well into the future.

Lumary is a leading digital platform that brings together the entire healthcare ecosystem, focussing on innovation and transformation. For more information about how to create a sustainable healthcare business with intelligent care management software, head to www.lumary.com.

Image credit: iStockphoto.com/Anawat_s

1. Precedence Research, June 30 2021, Global Newswire
2. How the 2022-23 Budget is investing in digital health - Budget 2022-22 fact sheet, Australian Government Department of Health

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