Industry News
Australian organ donation reaches record rates
A record-breaking increase in organ donation registration has seen more lives saved via transplants and placed Australia in the top 15 for organ donation. [ + ]
Delay newborn bath to improve breastfeeding
Delaying a newborn's first bath by 12 hours may significantly improve breastfeeding exclusivity, and make it easier for the baby to latch. [ + ]
Blood test predicts Alzheimer's 16 years ahead
For those who've inherited Alzheimer's disease genes, a simple blood test will identify if they have the disease — 16 years before symptoms show. [ + ]
Get your (globally recognised) game face on
A new study has found that, despite humans having hundreds of facial expressions, only 35 are universally recognised. [ + ]
Give infants peanuts to help avoid allergies
Australia has among the highest food allergy rates in the world. To reduce allergy risk, experts recommend giving infants peanuts and eggs before they turn one. [ + ]
Nicotine found in 'nicotine-free' products
Australian researchers found nicotine in six varieties of 'nicotine-free' e-cigarette liquids bought online and over the counter from Australian suppliers. [ + ]
Keep EpiPens out of hot cars
Patients should avoid leaving their EpiPens in hot cars in the summer as it decreases their potency, puttng patients at risk. [ + ]
Skin condition prevalence high, awareness low
A new Australian prevalence study of hidradenitis suppurativa finds a high number of Australians have the devastating skin condition. [ + ]
The five biggest myths about earwax
We debunk the five misconceptions about earwax and ear cleaning. [ + ]
New discovery on how baby's sex determined
Until now, it was believed a baby's sex was determined by its X-Y chromosome combination. However, scientists have found a new influence. [ + ]
Stethoscopes loaded with bacteria
A new study has found that stethoscopes are loaded with diverse bacteria, including some that can cause healthcare-associated infections. [ + ]
Tech gives voice back to stroke victims
A technology start-up has created a mobile app that converts non-standard language into readily understood speech, restoring speech to stroke victims. [ + ]
Easing your patients' financial stress
Patients experiencing financial toxicity on top of their health issues find it harder to recover. There are simple ways to ease the burden. [ + ]
Drawing, not writing, improves memory
For the elderly, taking up drawing will do more to enhance their memory retention than writing. Even if they're not very good at it. [ + ]
Being thin not a prerequisite for anorexia
A third of adolescents hospitalised with anorexia nervosa are within a healthy weight range, prompting calls to redefine the disease's diagnosis criteria. [ + ]