Industry News
The Aged Care Workforce in Australia Position Paper Released
Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA)'s latest position paper The Aged Care Workforce in Australia says future challenges lie not in finding more workers but in developing new staffing models. [ + ]
Survey to Improve Nutritional Advice for Patients
How much confidence GPs have in providing nutritional advice to patients is the subject of research by Griffith University’s Dr Lauren Ball. [ + ]
Got A Wound? Get A Wound Expert
This week ( 23 - 27 March) is Wound Awareness Week, raising public awareness of the epidemic of hard-to-heal wounds, which are a significant burden on the health care system. [ + ]
Medication Error Reporting Doesn't Indicate Patient Safety
Hospitals' incident data may have significant shortcomings, especially as a basis for monitoring safety over time and between sites, a comparative study at two Australian hospitals has found. [ + ]
PalAssist, New QLD Helpline For Palliative Care Service
Patients and their families in Queensland now have greater access to support thanks to PalAssist, a 24-hour helpline operated by the Cancer Council Queensland. [ + ]
PSA President Says Undermining of Pharmacists Ethics is Unfounded
The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has responded to attacks on pharmacists integrity, calling them unfounded and unwarranted. [ + ]
RACS Creates Advisory Group To Deal With Bullying, Harassment
The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) has moved quickly to create an expert advisory group to deal with concerns of bullying, harassment and discrimination in the health sector. [ + ]
Young Doctors Encouraged to Go Rural
A new national Go Rural campaign targeting young doctors will be launched this week, promoting the benefits of rural practice. [ + ]
LASA Responds to Intergenerational Report
The Intergenerational Report highlights the case for structural policy reform in aged care services. [ + ]
Busselton Health Campus Celebrates Opening
Busselton in Western Australia has just celebrated the opening of the city's comprehensive new health campus. [ + ]
Call for National Oral Health Scheme
The Australian Dental Association (ADA) is calling for the introduction of an oral health scheme focused on disadvantaged older Australians. [ + ]
Patients being Tested for Ebola in Victoria
Victoria's Chief Health Officer, Dr Rosemary Lester has advised two patients have been isolated at Victoria's Royal Children's Hospital and are being tested for Ebola [ + ]