Industry News
Off duty
Katie Vine is completing her Master of Sports Physiotherapy at La Trobe University while working at Canberra Hospital as an Emergency Department Primary Contact Physiotherapist.She is also an ACT Health Directorate Project Officer with the Health Workforce Australia Expanded Scope of Practice Project, investigating and implementing extended scope of physiotherapy roles. Katie was awarded the Australian Physiotherapy Association’s (APA) Award for Professional Excellence five years in a row, between 2008 and 2012. [ + ]
Automating measurement of hand hygiene compliance - The next big question for Australian hospitals
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New Information Shows Rate of Seclusion in Mental Health Facilities is Falling
For the first time, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has published information on seclusion in mental health facilities. [ + ]
Patients & Privacy
Look After Your Patient’s Electronic Health Information Effectively or Suffer the Consequences [ + ]
Taking back control
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Gold Coast University Hospital in final fit-out phase
At a cost of $1.76 billion the Gold Coast University Hospital is nearing completion, due to open to the public in September this year. Currently, contractors and staff are involved in the final fit out of furniture, fittings, IT and medical equipment. Gold Coast Health Executive Director Strategic Development Mr Michael Allsopp talks to AHHB about this stage of the project and proudly boasts the hospital will have the highest level of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and connectivity of any hospital currently under construction or operating in Australia. [ + ]
International designers in health converge at world congress in Brisbane
Professor Ian Frazer Congress patron / AC, FRA, FAA [ + ]
More Allied Health Graduates Are Taking Up Rural Jobs
More than a third of allied health students who completed a rural placement are now working in rural and remote Australia, according a new survey by Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH). [ + ]
Reducing malnutrition in aged care: how ethics can help
There is evidence that between 30 and 50 per cent of residents in Australian residential age care establishments have malnutrition or under-nutrition, writes Professor Colin Thomson. [ + ]
National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards: Governance, partnering with consumers and healthcare associated infection
As of January 1 this year, all Australian hospitals and day procedure services began accreditation against ten new National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, writes the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care’s Amy Winter. [ + ]
Falls Prevention Guidelines
Falls are a significant cause of harm to older people. The rate, intensity and cost of falls identify them as a national safety and quality issue. Following are some of the most important guidelines summarised as produced by The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) which relate to the hospitals and residential aged care settings. [ + ]
Clinical Care Threatened by Education Expense Reforms
Tax deductions for work-related self-education expenses will be limited to $2000 per person from 1 July 2014 under reforms recently announced by the Federal Government. [ + ]
Twitter is Good for the Heart
Twitter, the new social trend, can be a powerful tool to help prevent heart disease and improve health practices, according to a group of researchers affiliated with the University of Sydney. [ + ]