Allied Health & Aging > Social work

GPs Encouraged to Check Patients Hearing Loss to Avoid Miscommunication

16 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Nearly one in four older Australians (21 per cent) say they experience difficulties when visiting their General Practitioner (GP) due to their hearing loss, according to new research by Australian Hearing.1

New Advisory Group formed to Tackle Indigenous Mental Health and Suicide

24 June, 2013 by Ryan Mccann

A new expert group has been established to advise the Federal Government on practical and strategic ways to improve Indigenous mental health and social and emotional wellbeing. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Advisory Group will be chaired by Prof Pat Dudgeon, recognised as Australia’s first Indigenous psychologist, and human rights campaigner Dr Tom Calma AO, the new chancellor of the University of Canberra.

Speaking to Aged Care Food Services Expert Karen Abbey

22 February, 2013 by Adriana Rehbein

In speaking with you Karen, it is clear that you have a genuine passion to improve the delivery of food services and nutritional content to aged care communities throughout Australia. Tell us, how did this come about?

Catering in aged care

24 August, 2012 by John Connole

Catering is one of the most important functions in aged care. Human beings are food driven and each day catering services across the nation strive to achieve the perfect meal where residents are satisfied with the quality and have enjoyed the dining experience. This is by no means an easy task.

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