Clinical Services > Diagnostic imaging

Department of Health Slashes Prices of PBS Generics

27 May, 2015 by Sharon Smith

Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley last night announced agreements with the Generic Medicines industry Association (GMiA) and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia which will reduce the price of generic medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and lead to a greater involvement in public health service consultations on the part of pharmacists.

PSA President Says Undermining of Pharmacists Ethics is Unfounded

17 March, 2015 by Petrina Smith

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has responded to attacks on pharmacists integrity, calling them unfounded and unwarranted.

Reach for the Skies with Rural Health Scholarship

03 February, 2015 by Petrina Smith

First year Nursing and allied health students in Victorian universities are invited to apply for the 2015 'Give Them Wings' health scholarship.

Proposed Amendments to Pharmaceutical Benefits Act

17 September, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Amendments are proposed to the National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits) (Conditions of approval for approved pharmacists) Determination 2007.

Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Program Presents Excellent Results

09 September, 2014 by Petrina Smith

A study at the University of Sydney has found that the number of cases of young women affected by genital warts, or human papillomavirus, has dropped by 61% since the national human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine program was introduced in 2007.

ANMF says No Deal on any Co-payments

05 August, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) says nurses and midwives won’t agree to any co-payments for GP visits or other services - our healthcare system is for everyone.

Australian Smoking Rates at Record Lows

17 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

New data showing a record fall in smoking rates confirms that Australia is on track to achieve major reductions in smoking-related diseases, Cancer Council Australia said today.

A Gum Disease Treatment is Improving Vascular health in Aboriginal Australians

26 June, 2014 by Petrina Smith

A  first of its kind study among Aboriginal Australians has found a simple non-surgical gum disease treatment markedly reduces the thickness of the wall of the arteries, a risk factor for heart disease.

Grattan Institute Report Says Health Professionals Squandering Skills

14 April, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Enabling less highly-trained hospital workers to play a bigger role could improve jobs for doctors and nurses, save public hospitals nearly $430 million a year and fund treatment for more than 85,000 extra people, says a new Grattan Institute report.

New Medicines Listed on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from 1 April

19 March, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Ten new medicines to treat a range of illnesses from rare forms of cancer to skin conditions will be listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) from 1 April.

Australians Continue to Pay More for Pharmaceuticals Than Consumers in Other Countries

15 November, 2013 by Petrina Smith

Australians continue to pay more for pharmaceuticals than consumers in other countries, although the introduction of generic medicines has contributed to some lowering of prices, according to research published in this month's edition of the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association’s journal, The Australian Health Review.

Take Our Infection Control Quiz

20 June, 2013 by Ryan Mccann

Please take this short quiz to see how your infection control measures at your workplace rate and receive a FREE mini guide to Hygienic Laundry Practice.

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