Clinical Services > Intensive care

'Controversial' trauma care drug examined in new study

21 June, 2023

While tranexamic acid is commonly used to limit bleeding during surgery, its usefulness in emergency settings to treat life-threatening bleeding has been questioned.

Are EDs unsafe? Survey says 'yes'

26 May, 2023

Emergency departments are currently unsafe places for both professionals and patients, according to a survey.

Qld issues alert over dangerous counterfeit tablets

10 May, 2023

Queensland Health has issued a warning against taking illegally sourced drugs following the seizure of counterfeit medications containing life-threatening substances.

National COVID-19 Taskforce: keeping on top of the evidence

17 September, 2020 by Professor Brett Mitchell*

The National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce provides a clear and consistent voice of cross-disciplinary consensus on the clinical care of patients with COVID-19.

COVID-19: not just a respiratory disease

16 July, 2020

New York clinicians have described COVID-19's effects outside the lung.

International panel releases ICU guidelines for COVID-19

08 April, 2020

The Surviving Sepsis Campaign COVID-19 panel has released 54 recommendations for treating patients with COVID-19 in the ICU.

Australian organ donation reaches record rates

26 January, 2019

A record-breaking increase in organ donation registration has seen more lives saved via transplants and placed Australia in the top 15 for organ donation.

How not to sneeze

25 January, 2018

Don't hold your nose and close your mouth when you sneeze, doctors warn, or you might rupture the back of your throat, like one young man...

Deadly peanut allergy cure on horizon

05 September, 2017

Clinical trials conducted four years ago are having long-lasting effects, showing huge promise for a cure.

iPad for best infection prevention photo

20 October, 2016 by Corin Kelly

What have you been doing to raise awareness of infection prevention and the International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW) in your workplace? ACIPC want to see your most innovative and eye-catching infection prevention educational display. The winner will receive a mini iPad to use in your service for auditing or educational purposes.

Biofilms and Wound Infection

19 September, 2016 by AHHB

Wounds provide an ideal environment for bacterial growth and are readily colonised by microorganisms of indigenous, human origin and in many cases by environmental contaminants. Bacteria attach to a coating known as the extracellular matrix, a mesh of proteins that encompasses the cells of the wound bed. Once attached, bacteria proliferate to form micro-colonies, secreting a thick polysaccharide layer that protects against environmental challenges such as the host immune system or antimicrobial treatments. Micro-colonies eventually develop into a biofilm, which is a dynamic microbial community comprised of diverse bacterial species.

Who will help the midwife?

12 April, 2016 by Corin Kelly

When complications arise in the delivery room that lead to traumatic childbirth, clinicians providing care may feel upset and experience secondary traumatic stress. A new study published in Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, a journal of the Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology, found that feelings of blame and guilt dominate when midwives and obstetricians struggle to cope with the aftermath of a traumatic childbirth, but such events also made them think more about the meaning of life and helped them become better midwives and doctors.

What are KPC superbugs and are we worried?

29 December, 2015 by Corin Kelly

According to Trent Yarwood from the The University of Queensland, superbugs are back in the news – and everybody loves a good germ panic story. The bugs raising alarm are called KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase) or CRE (carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae).

European Healthcare Design Conference Keynotes

28 July, 2015 by Sharon Smith

The world's leading researchers gathered in London recently to discuss the future of the hospital. We've brought you our favourite presentations from the conference.

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