Agreement on medical countermeasures Signed
Minister for Defence Science and Personnel Warren Snowdon and Minister for Health Tanya Plibersek announced in November last year an agreement which would enable the Department of Defence and the Department of Health and Ageing to prepare for the establishment of a Medical Countermeasures Consortium involving Australia, USA, UK and Canada. [ + ]
New Centre for Research in Paediatric Food Allergy and Food-related Immune Disorders
In response to the dramatic rise in allergies and public health concern, researchers and clinicians from across Australia have developed a collaborative research centre to tackle the growing allergy epidemic. [ + ]
McKeon Review Released for Public Access
The report of the McKeon Review – Strategic Review of Health and Medical Research – Better Health through Research has been released by Minister for Health Tanya Plibersek. [ + ]
National Live Organ Donor Leave Scheme Announced
The Australian Government has announced a new two-year pilot of a national Live Organ Donor Leave Scheme. [ + ]
Health Bodies Unite to Call for Stronger Leadership in Public Dental Health
Four national health bodies have come together to support the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association’s call for the establishment of a Commonwealth Chief Dental Officer (CCDO) position in Canberra and a permanent Oral Health Advisory Council. [ + ]
Prince of Wales Hospital Opens Mental Health ICU Heralding “A New Era”
The NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner said the facility heralded a new era of mental health care, as the state-of-the-art, 12-bed high-care, specialist Mental Health Intensive Care Unit (MHICU) opens at Sydney's Prince of Wales Hospital in Randwick. [ + ]
Warning issued by infectious diseases experts to stay away from bats
The Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) has sent out a warning from infectious diseases experts for people to stay away from bats in the wake of details released at a major international infectious diseases conference. [ + ]
Community Care Takes Strides With Telehealth In Rural Area
Three Queensland aged care services are a driving force behind introducing Telehealth to rural communities, and helping to relieve the stress of older Australians travelling distances for specialist appointments, explains Lara Caughey. [ + ]
Australian Diabetes Society Publishes New Guidance On Insulin
Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) Publishes New Guidance On Insulin Glargine (Lantus®), Amy Sanders reports. [ + ]
Off Duty - Dr Stephen Davies BMed. FANZCA
Dr Stephen Davies was born in Newcastle in New South Wales, Dr Davies studied Medicine at Newcastle University as a mature age student. He completed his Anaesthesia training in Canberra (ACT) and Retrieval Medicine training at Careflight (NSW). [ + ]
The Phoney War Regarding the PCEHR is Almost Over
The Rubber Hits the Road in the Next Few Months [ + ]
Continence, Care and Ethics
A central ethical value in relationships between health professionals and their patients is respect for human beings, more often called respect for autonomy or, simply, autonomy. The expression has become very familiar in medical ethics, prominently because it was instrumental as an ethical foundation for patient led responses that gradually overturned a prevailing professional paternalism (“doctor knows best”) of later decades of the last century. [ + ]
The Biggest Revolution In Microbiology In 50 Years
According to Dr Jenny Robson, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is the biggest thing to happen in microbiology laboratories in the past 50 years, offering improved testing and patient care. [ + ]
Speaking to Aged Care Food Services Expert Karen Abbey
In speaking with you Karen, it is clear that you have a genuine passion to improve the delivery of food services and nutritional content to aged care communities throughout Australia. Tell us, how did this come about? [ + ]