Sustainable infection prevention: is it possible?
With limited options available, serious research and investment is required if further progress is to be possible. [ + ]
Your daily dose of D
Many healthcare workers and patients spend a great deal of time indoors. How does this impact their vitamin D levels? How much sun is enough for Vitamin D? [ + ]
Climate and health: leading from the front
The healthcare industry leads the way with seven recommendations to protect our community from climate change. [ + ]
Global impact
How does a global organisation, making $94 billion annually and with over 127,000 employees, avoid damaging the Earth's resources? [ + ]
A cyber-induced health scare waiting to happen
Internet-connected implanted devices come with security risks. We explain how to avoid them. [ + ]
Top 5 tips to going paperless
Healthcare facilities love paper. So is there a simple way to go digital? [ + ]
EMR governance: your business case is just the beginning
It is common for healthcare organisations to put forward a business case to secure funding for an electronic medical record (EMR) implementation; however, long-term governance models that ensure benefits identified in business cases are actually tracked and realised are far less common. [ + ]
Service design for the patient of the future
If you are seeking to improve patient experience, these five core principles of service design will help you get it right. [ + ]
Why do we need to address malnutrition?
Malnutrition is an under-recognised and underdiagnosed healthcare issue in Australia. [ + ]
Blacktown Hospital — a quiet revolution in healthcare design
The award-winning Blacktown Hospital is quietly revolutionising healthcare design, transforming a mid-sized local facility into a major hospital. [ + ]
Alarming amounts of noise in hospitals
The constant noise from hospital machines can cause stress and patient unrest. Soon, it may be possible to remove alarms from the bedside. [ + ]
Women need to stop sabotaging themselves!
Women who want to climb the leadership ladder should follow these golden rules... [ + ]
Pregnancy test could identify complications
Serious complications including miscarriage may soon be identified through this new non-invasive test. [ + ]
NSQHS Standards: second edition now available
Incorporating feedback on the first edition, the second editon promotes better, safer health care. [ + ]
Keep out, and stay out!
Six cybersecurity treatments that healthcare organisations should prescribe to. [ + ]