Monitoring steam sterilisation processes in hospitals
Steam sterilisation is the method of choice for the sanitising of medical devices within a hospital setting. [ + ]
Improving infection prevention practices through consultation
We speak with Dr Deverick Anderson about his role at the US-based Duke Infection Control Outreach Network (DICON) and the importance of collaborative research between clinicians. [ + ]
Breathalyser app diagnoses disease
New technology from South Korea means disease diagnosis is just a breath away. [ + ]
Clinician or patient: it's all about the experience
Concerns are frequently expressed by both clinicians and consumers around the usability and safety of technology in healthcare. [ + ]
Unleashing the protective power of health informatics in pharmacy
In a contemporary healthcare environment, with an ever-expanding array of treatment options and new challenges in infectious diseases, lifestyle-related diseases and cancer, clear communication among multidisciplinary care teams, and with patients and their carers, has never been more important. [ + ]
Addressing the physical health of people living with mental illness
People living with mental illness need to take care of their physical health through healthy eating and exercise, just like everyone else. [ + ]
Meet Sally McCray, an outlier in dietetics
Sally McCray is the recipient of the 2017 Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) President’s Award for Innovation for her research and implementation of 'room service', a five-star inspired food service model for hospitals. [ + ]
Rethinking and redesigning clinical workspaces
Drivers such as cost pressure on healthcare systems, rising patient volumes and demands from patients engaged in their own healthcare, together with advances in technology, are transforming the way care is delivered, creating a shift in what is required in clinical spaces. [ + ]
World first: double hand transplant child can now write, dress and eat independently
Eighteen months after his double hand transplant, an eight-year-old child can undertake essential life functions. [ + ]
Day hospitals — what the future holds
Day Hospitals Australia represents the day hospital sector nationally in the provision of advocacy, representation and support to ensure relevancy and sustainability within the marketplace. [ + ]
Australian discovery paves way for growing lifesaving organs
A stem cell research discovery could help ease the current organ shortage, paving the way to producing replacement organs for damaged hearts, kidneys and bowels. [ + ]
Designing healthcare for regional communities
Unlike any other state or territory in the country, most Queensland residents live in regional areas. To support this decentralised population, regional communities demand the same standard of critical care and services that is provided in any major city. [ + ]
The true value of care
Professor Allan Fels, Chairman of the National Mental Health Commission, launched 'The Economic Value of Informal Mental Health Caring in Australia Report'1 (Carer’s Report) at Parliament House in Canberra earlier this year. This is the first time an attempt has been made to put a 'value' on informal caring for those with mental illness. [ + ]
What the 2017–18 federal Budget means for aged care
The 2017–18 federal Budget comes as a relief after previous federal Budgets have seen cuts to aged care funding and associated programs. [ + ]
First results of an electrochemical water management system in Australia
This article reports on a successful Legionella risk mitigation in an Australian healthcare facility following the installation and optimisation of an on-site electrochemical water disinfection system (Ecas4 technology). [ + ]