NHMRC Advanced Health Research Translation Centre Submissions Open

By Petrina Smith
Thursday, 17 July, 2014

[caption id="attachment_8246" align="alignright" width="133"]Professor Warwick Anderson Professor Warwick Anderson[/caption]
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has  announced submissions are now open for leading centres of health and medical research to apply for recognition as an Advanced Health Research and Translation Centre.
The initiative to help hospitals and universities and medical research institutes turn research discoveries into improved medical practice and commercial opportunities.
NHMRC CEO Professor Warwick Anderson said, ‘It is acknowledged worldwide that a key driver of research translation is strong collaboration between the spheres of research, healthcare and teaching.’
‘Similar centres in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands foster translation between research discoveries and clinical practice.’
‘Australia will now be joining their ranks and those centres that achieve recognition as an Advanced Health Research Translation Centre will have a significant platform from which to compete globally with other established centres,’ he said.
Submissions from interested groups for recognition as an NHMRC Advanced Health Research Translation Centre, should provide evidence of:

  1. Leadership in outstanding research- and evidence-based clinical care, including for the most difficult clinical conditions,

  2. Excellence in innovative biomedical, clinical, public health and health services research,

  3. Programs and activities to accelerate research findings into health care and ways of bringing health care problems to the researchers

  4. Research-infused education and training,

  5. Health professional leaders who ensure that research knowledge is translated into policies and practices locally, nationally and internationally

  6. Strong collaboration amongst the research, translation, patient care and education programs.

Information on how to make a submission is contained in the following document:

Submissions must be provided to electronically by 7pm AEST, Tuesday 30 September 2014, by email toAdvancedCentres2014@nhmrc.gov.au.

Further information: NHMRC website.
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