Industry News
Sealed in 60 seconds
Australian scientists have developed a glue that literally takes one minute to seal a wound, then signals to the body to start repairing at twice the regular speed. [ + ]
Epilepsy seizure prediction possible with AI
Soon, epilepsy sufferers will have customised technology that forewarns them of a seizure. [ + ]
Losing weight can reverse type 2 diabetes
Researchers found that after one year, participants had lost an average of 10 kg, and nearly half had reverted to a non-diabetic state. [ + ]
Study: Blood pressure declines 14 years before death
Is your blood pressure dropping? Are you over 60? Hold off on those plans for 14 years' time... [ + ]
New guidelines to help child stroke victims
Stroke affects children and babies, and is among the top 10 causes of death in children. [ + ]
When it comes to hospitals, size matters
Smaller hospitals have higher risks of operational inefficiency. [ + ]
6 ways to help families of the sick or elderly enjoy Xmas
Christmas is special, but for some it is challenging and stressful. Here is a simple guide to help change that. [ + ]
Aged Care Diversity Framework released
The framework will see three action plans developed in the first half of 2018, in support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, CALD and LGBTI communities. [ + ]
Don't bother with hayfever tablets
Opting for a nasal spray only strategy may be better than adding hayfever tablets to the mix. [ + ]
Avatars put a face to schizophrenic voices
Patients who conversed with avatars in this study experienced significant improvements. [ + ]
How booze is linked to emotions
A UK study has mapped the feelings people associate with types of tipples. [ + ]
Govt seeks input to Specialist Dementia Care Units
Health and aged-care professionals invited to make submissions. [ + ]
Aggressive surgery best for first-stage lung cancer
Research finds that the more aggressively early lung cancer is treated, the better the outcome. [ + ]
Health, aged care workers taking on too much work
The situation is likely to worsen as the population ages. [ + ]
Get the 'goss' on gossip
According to researchers, not all gossip is bad. [ + ]