Industry News
Australia tops world for avoidable sports injuries
Despite being largely preventable, Australia has the world's worst rate of ACL injuries and reconstructions. [ + ]
Do you have a stutter? 3000+ volunteers wanted
A new study seeks to identify the genes associated with stuttering, as a key to early identification, new therapies and ultimately preventing the disorder. [ + ]
Kids see 800 junk food ads per year
With diet-related problems the leading cause of disease in Australia, new research into junk food ads seen by kids is alarming. [ + ]
No more Oakden-style 'disasters'
In response to the Carnell-Paterson review into failures at South Australia's Oakden aged-care service, new federal reforms have been announced. [ + ]
Hope for hearing loss
A new technique repairs damaged nerves and cells within the ear, and could soon restore hearing to millions of people. [ + ]
Drs should prescribe e-cigarettes
Increased evidence that e-cigarettes help smokers quit means doctors have an ethical obligation to prescribe them when other options fail. [ + ]
World's hottest chilli causes thunderclap headaches
A man suffered unusual consequences when participating in a hot chilli pepper eating competition. [ + ]
Traumatic brain injury increases risk of dementia
A major study finds that the risk of dementia increases with the number and severity of brain trauma injuries. [ + ]
Cancer wipes $1.7bn off Aust GDP
It's in everyone's best interests that cancer patients recover — including that of the Australian economy. [ + ]
Asthma link to boys' childhood fractures
Boys with asthma are 30% more likely to fracture a bone than boys without, while girls with asthma have no link to bone fractures. [ + ]
Most lower back pain treated incorrectly
Worldwide, overuse of inappropriate tests and treatments such as imaging, opioids and surgery means patients are not receiving the right care, and resources are wasted. [ + ]
Maternal death risk doubles with anaemia
Pregnant women with anaemia are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth than those without anaemia. [ + ]
Epilepsy drugs in womb linked to poor school results
Women considering pregnancy should be told about the pros and cons of different approaches, say researchers. [ + ]
ADHD preschoolers have reduced brain volume
A new study has found that children as young as four with ADHD symptoms have reduced brain volumes in areas essential for behavioural control. [ + ]
Ibuprofen may prevent Alzheimer's disease
A Canadian neuroscientist has found that for people with an early Alzheimer's diagnosis, ibuprofen may stop the disease. [ + ]