Allied Health & Aging

Promoting continence control in the frail elderly resident

09 September, 2012 by John Connole

Incontinence is a prevalent and costly problem in aged care, and poor management of incontinence impacts on the health and quality of life of the individual and the environment of the aged care home, writes Jacinta Miller.

Modec electrical security and communications

07 September, 2012 by John Connole

Modec is a market leader in providing security, electrical and data communication solutions to various clients throughout the eastern states of Australia.

Lille Continence Institute

06 September, 2012 by John Connole

Lille Continence Institute is Lille Healthcare’s accredited provider of education and training programs directed at health professionals treating incontinence issues.

Nutrition in aged care

05 September, 2012 by John Connole

For any meal to be successful in the aged care environment it needs to be eaten ensuring that residents are receiving the nutrients they need Karen Abbey reports.

Up-skilling your aged care workforce

04 September, 2012 by John Connole

The skill and knowledge base of employees in the aged care industry must match the innovation their organisation is seeking. Louise Absalom and Trish McReynolds report.

When is a nurse call system no longer a nurse call system?

03 September, 2012 by John Connole

Over the past decade we have witnessed some radical changes in the way in which technology has changed the delivery of care in residential aged care.

Digital imaging made easy™

27 August, 2012 by John Connole

The dawn of a new era with the CRANEX® 3D and SCANORA® 3D for all maxillofacial imaging requirements. The new CRANEX® 3D is a high quality imaging system with panoramic, cephalometric and Cone Beam 3D imaging programs. With its new feature EasyScout TM view for 3D images, The CRANEX® 3D makes patient positioning more accurate.

Aged care Q&A

25 August, 2012 by John Connole

In this issue we speak with Council of the Ageing (COTA) Chief Executive, Ian Yates, about the anticipated overhaul of Australia's aged care sector.

Catering in aged care

24 August, 2012 by John Connole

Catering is one of the most important functions in aged care. Human beings are food driven and each day catering services across the nation strive to achieve the perfect meal where residents are satisfied with the quality and have enjoyed the dining experience. This is by no means an easy task.

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