Technology > Digital disruption

My Health Record brings diagnostic test results online

04 October, 2019

The latest My Health Record update has given patients and healthcare professionals easier access to pathology and diagnostic imaging results.

Raising the security bar

24 June, 2019 by Phil Wallace*

Government-issued guidelines now stipulate more stringent requirements for e-health cloud security. Here's what healthcare providers need to know.

Challenging your organisation to drive innovation

03 June, 2019 by Stu Lloyd*

How can you use questioning and challenging to challenge the status quo and drive innovation in your area of health care?

Digital transformation is happening in aged care

28 May, 2019 by David O'Sullivan*

Some aged-care providers are already changing their business culture to incorporate digital innovation.

Dr Alexa is now available

13 May, 2019 by Chelsea Ukoha* and Bianca Phillips**

While yet to be confirmed compliant in Australia, Amazon's interactive device Alexa is now HIPAA compliant and being utilised by hospitals in the USA.

How virtual reality is changing health care

14 January, 2019 by Matthew Bardsley*

Virtual reality, while long used as a buzzword in many sectors, has found a real-world application in the medical industry.

Facilitating mobile device deployments in health care

01 November, 2018

The deployment of mobile devices throughout the healthcare field is quickly expanding to better meet the needs of patients by improving internal and external communications or reducing costs.

AI predicts Alzheimer's

11 October, 2018

Canadian scientists have created an artificial intelligence algorithm that can accurately predict Alzheimer's within the next five years.

Exciting innovation in healthtech

06 August, 2018

We meet three healthtech entrepreneurs who are seeking to positively impact the healthcare industry with their innovative services.

How virtual reality can change the way we see our molecular world

03 August, 2018 by Alexa Morales, Brand Contributor, Oracle BRANDVOICE

Writing doesn't do justice to virtual reality. Nor does looking at an animated, 2D image do anything to convey the feeling of scuba diving through space, playing catch with molecules of buckminsterfullerene.

Eye movements reveal personality

01 August, 2018

Eyes have always been the window to the soul... now artificial intelligence can link eye movements to personality type.

UX: it's all about the patient and clinician experience

01 July, 2018

As a hospital or health organisation clinician, patient or carer, you may have heard about the importance of UX (user experience) and the impact on daily delivery of health care.

Strategic planning and removing IT sprawl: the first steps in healthcare's digital journey

01 June, 2018

Healthcare organisations around the globe are in various stages of digital transformation, but many are implementing systems randomly, which has led to IT sprawl.

A cyber-induced health scare waiting to happen

22 January, 2018 by Jason Edelstein*

Internet-connected implanted devices come with security risks. We explain how to avoid them.

DXC Care Coordination: a new era in digital healthcare

01 November, 2017

In a more competitive marketplace, most healthcare organisations are looking to improve the care experience, improve the health of the population, and reduce the costs of delivering optimal healthcare services to customers.

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