Case Studies
Viral-mutations detection tool may combat future outbreaks
A Melbourne-led reserach team have developed a new tool that can detect high-transmission-potential variants of SARS-CoV-2 before they become widespread. [ + ]
Mobilising local medical manufacturing in a pandemic
An Aussie-made medical manufacturer is using technology to get gold-standard infection control equipment in the hands of health workers. [ + ]
How did air compressors become so critical in the COVID-19 environment?
A reliable medical-grade air supply is essential for ventilator function, anaesthesia and general patient care across the healthcare system. [ + ]
The challenge of disparate digital systems
With the introduction of newer digital capabilities, companies with disparate systems need to urgently review these and integrate now if they want to grow. [ + ]
Mater implements digital patient record platform
Mater Misericordiae searched for a solution that would deliver necessary patient information into the hands of its clinicians. [ + ]
Robot-assisted microsurgery in The Netherlands
A team of plastic surgeons from Maastricht UMC + in The Netherlands has successfully carried out super microsurgical procedures with the help of robotic technology. [ + ]
A mobile approach to personalising care under the NDIS
The NDIS has had a monumental impact on the care sector, from both a client and provider perspective. For better or worse, it's meant that many care providers have had to rethink their approaches. [ + ]